Henry Cruickshank has worked as an animator since 2003 when he graduated from Edinbugh college of art. During this time he has worked for the BBC, Red Kite, Impact Arts, Once Were Farmers, Vomo, west highland animation, amongst others.
He also produces his own projects, his short film “Get Bizzy” (starting Josie Lawrence and Tim McInnerny) was funded by Scottish screen, and the film has been screened at film festivals all over the world. He has also created a comic book website, myhorriblehorribleinternetlife.com which was funded by new Scottish media. Recently he made “simple” which was runner up in Dorests Cereals simple pleasures film competition.
He also feel a little silly talking about himself in the third person...
For more information and enquires please get in touch…

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”